Cisco IOS Command-line Keyboard navigation

A number of shortcuts are available in Cisco IOS Operating System command line interface.

The ‘TAB’ key can be used to complete a partially typed command, which is very helpful while keying in the commands.

Below the complete list of the IOS shortcuts:

Ctrl+T: Swap the current character with the one before it
Ctrl+K: Erase all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the line
Ctrl+X: Erase all characters from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line
Ctrl+L: Reprint the line
Ctrl+C: Exit configuration mode
Ctrl+A: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
Ctrl+E: Moves the cursor to the end of the current line
Ctrl+F: Moves forward one character
Ctrl+B: Moves backwards one character
Ctrl+R: Redisplays a line (starts a new line, with the same command shown)
Ctrl+U: Erases a line
Ctrl+W: Erases a word
Ctrl+Z: Exits configuration mode, returning you to privileged EXEC mode
Ctrl+P (or up arrow): Displays the last command entered
Ctrl+N (or down arrow): Displays previous commands entered
Tab: Completes a partial command
Esc, F: Moves forward one word
Esc, B: Moves backwards one word

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